------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Design and Architecture of a Portable and Extensible Multiplayer 3D Game Engine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution contains my master's thesis. It describes the design and architecture of the Parsec engine and will be the core document of the forthcoming Parsec SDK. However, since the material presented is a bit heavy on theory and missing a lot of practice-oriented information, the SDK itself will contain additional documentation on how to actually install and use the SDK in order to develop Parsec mods and extensions. The major chapters are: 01: Introduction Part I: Foundations and Related Work 02: Algorithms 03: High-performance Low-level Graphics APIs 04: Game Technology Evolution Part II: Design and Architecture of Parsec 05: Overview 06: Architecture Overview 07: Architecture Details 08: Low-level Subsystem Specifications 09: Managing Objects 10: The ITER Interface 11: Shaders 12: The Particle System 13: Networking 14: The Command Console Part III: Conclusion 15: Concluding Remarks 16: Bibliography There are separate pdf and postscript files for each chapter. contents.pdf also contains clickable links to the respective chapters. I finished work on this thesis in September 2000; this release basically contains the original version with a few typos fixed. If you find additional errors or gross omissions, I'd be glad if you dropped me a line. I'll correct it and drink a glass of beer in your honor :) On a personal note, I'd like to conclude with the statement that this thesis and Parsec have been an awful lot of work (the latter still ongoing), with the usual ups and downs, but in the end always extremely rewarding. I truly hope that some of the fun we are having in creating Parsec will transfer to you, the Parsec community. Thanks, and enjoy! -- Markus Hadwiger. January 14, 2001