If you want to get in touch with us, provide us with encouragement, contribute ideas, tell us your opinion about this web-page, or just tell us anything else you think might be of interest to us, please feel free to contact us here.

This also seems to be the appropriate place to list all of those that are currently involved in the Parsec project or have contributed in a major way in the past:

Markus Hadwiger programming
Andreas Varga programming
Clemens Beer programming
Michael Wögerbauer programming
Alex Mastny [homepage] artwork and 3D models
Stefan Poiss music and sound effects
Karin Baier vocals and sound effects
Tamer Fahmy linux launcher
Thomas Bauer internal nursing and support
Michel Fleck graphics
Alexander Fuchs graphics

A big thanx to all of you for your great work and dedication!

Special thanks to the Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology, for their support.

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