Home of Alex Mastny

Homepage of Parsec's art director Alex Mastny

Alex presents an overview of the artwork he has done, from past to present, from airbrush art to Parsec and other sci-fi themes.

The current music project of Parsec's audio director Stefan Poiss is the current music project of Stefan, which will go live in the near future.

MP3.COM page of Stefan Poiss

MP3 page of Parsec's audio director Stefan Poiss

Offers several of Stefan's tracks for download in mp3 format, from Parsec to other music he has done.
You can also order his first audio CD Cosmotron.


Homepage of the German Parsec clan Schattenreich.
Very nice design, entirely in German.


Homepage of Austrian science-fiction and horror author Andreas Gruber, who writes wonderful stories in German that have already earned him several awards and critical acclaim.
His webpage offers lots of info and some of his stories for download. His latest book Die letzte Fahrt der Enora Time can also be ordered from
If you like sci-fi stories you won't be able to stop reading, give it a try! :)
The university institute where we started the Parsec project for a computer graphics lab exercise, and some of us are still regularly hanging out at.

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