Parsec Open Source project started! As promised earlier, we are now releasing the Parsec source code to the public. This is purely a work-in-progress developer release, and therefore some things are broken, incomplete or just plain missing. If you just want to play Parsec you will need to wait a bit longer. Compiling this release will not yield the long awaited Parsec Internet version.

Please see the corresponding announcement for more information.

Parsec goes open source! We are currently preparing the entire code base of Parsec for a full source release in early May 2003, which will mark a major change in the structure of the Parsec Project.
We have been working on a revamped version of the Parsec client/server code (Parsec with Internet game play) for several months now, and are in the middle of a Parsec server rewrite. The reason for this is that we have decided that the (unreleased) Parsec server requires several structural changes in order to reach production quality. By now, the rewrite is well underway, and a public release will follow. However, the release will still take some time. In the meantime, we thought we'd show you how much dedication a project such as this one requires ;-) Stay tuned...
We have released a new build (0197) of the Parsec LAN-Test, which is primarily a bug-fix release. Please see the README for details. Unfortunately, we currently cannot host the Parsec LAN-Test packages on our own server (due to an outrageous amount of traffic after the last release), which delayed this release. By now, there should be enough mirror servers, however.
Furthermore, this month we would like to put up a "screenshot of the month" done by the community, so please send your suggestions to monthshot@parsec.org.
While the news might seem to be a bit slow, this does not mean that we're off on vacation yet. ;)
Apart from a new monthshot to make a dark november afternoon a bit more colorful, we're currently about to release a small bug-fix update for the LAN-Test to fix the problems that people have reported. Expect it (and our object-conversion tool) within a few days.
We will not be able to host the files on our server this time (excessive bandwidth usage during the last release, as you can imagine), so we will depend a lot on mirror sites. If you have a fat server, on an even fatter line, and don't mind if we saturate it for a few days, then please drop us a note at mirror@parsec.org. Your help will be appreciated.
The update for the LAN-Test is now available in the download section. Please note, that this is not yet the Internet-playable version, but an updated LAN-Test. It includes new ships, new music, teleporters, a higher number of possible players, and various other enhancements and bug fixes.
There are both full packages and update packages available for all supported platforms.

We've also included a version for MacOS X. Thanks to Frank Limbacher of Apple Germany for helping us out by offering development hardware. It is much appreciated.

As usual, please do read the README. We know that a lot of people tend to ignore it, since we often get questions about issues that are clearly stated there.

Due to the usual lack of time before a new release, we had to delay the monthshot. So we skip the August one, and bring you the Screenshot of the Month for September, along with the new LAN-Test version. It show some of the new additions to the game, such as the two new ships, the teleporter and the EMP device.
The current monthshot shows a Hurricane fleeing through the newest addition to Parsec - a teleporter. The energy tunnel connecting the entry with the exit point carries fighters with much higher speed than one can achieve with ordinary propulsion drives. Expect the teleporter to be part of the upcoming release due very soon.
The screenshot of the month of June shows another ship previously unknown in the Parsec universe, The Assassin. Apparently it has already been on active duty for a long time, but due to its stealth capabilities it wasn't detected earlier. See the gallery for more details. The download section also offers a new Parsec wallpaper featuring the Assassin. Thanks go to Daniel Sinclair and Robert McKinlay for suggesting the name Assassin.
The mysterious spacecraft discovered recently is now officially called The Silverhawk. This name has been suggested by Julian Feurich. Thanks to all of you who sent in ship names, the response has been incredible!
The download section now contains rendered wallpapers of the new Parsec spacecraft.
The screenshot of the month of May shows a secret spacecraft that has recently been discovered roaming the Parsec universe. See the gallery for more details. Also, since this ship seems to have been developed in total secrecy, there is no official name for it. If you can think of a cool name for this ship drop us a line. If there is no official name, we ought to give it a nickname, right? :)
The slides of the Parsec talk in Braunschweig (see below) are now available for download in pdf format.
The talk Markus has given last Saturday at the 3. Braunschweiger Linux-Tage has been taped by the organizers and is available for streaming in Realmedia format. There is a list of all talks, and the two parts of the Parsec talk are available here (part1, 12:25) and here (part2, 49:36).
The screenshot of the month of April is a very nice shot sent to us by Thilo Schulz. It shows a spacecraft being struck down by swarm missiles before it can escape to safety via an already opened stargate.
Markus will give a talk at the 3. Braunschweiger Linux-Tage on Saturday, May 5. The title of the talk is ''Parsec: Linux and Cross-Platform Game Development'' and will be given in English. If you live close to Braunschweig/Hannover (Germany) or somehow happen to be in the area, be sure to stop by :)
We're currently busy working on some engine internals, which explains the lack of updates in February. So we already give you a monthshot for March, which shows two ships fighting in the near vicinity of a planet with rings.
The screenshot of the month of January shows a spacecraft designed by J.I. Logan that is firing its EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) cannon. The EMP is the newest addition to Parsec's arsenal of weapons. It is a near-range weapon that sends several energy blasts into all directions at once and is especially useful to hit enemies approaching from behind.
The master's thesis of Markus (''Design and Architecture of a Portable and Extensible Multiplayer 3D Game Engine'') is now available for download. This will become the core documentation of the forthcoming Parsec SDK. If you're interested in the inner workings of the Parsec engine, go take a look! The thesis is available in pdf and postscript format, respectively.
The download section now offers the platform-specific parts of the Parsec LAN-Test as separate downloads. If you already have the deluxe release for one platform and want support for another platform without downloading another full release, this is for you.
The monthshot for December shows one of the long awaited real planets. No, you can't land on them. But you can fly around them or crash into one! :)
We're busy working on the client/server architecture. The monthshot for November shows some already functional stargates in the Parsec universe. But there's still a lot of work to do. In the meantime, grab yourself a t-shirt or a mouse pad from the online store, if you haven't done so already.
Or use one of those boring autumn afternoons to read all the posts in the forum, there are a lot of interesting discussions going on. Some coffee from a Parsec mug might be nice with this.
At the end of the month we had a little competition running. The goal was to create a nice screenshot for the month of October. And the winner is -- ta-ta! -- Scooter! Congrats :)
If you take a look at the navigator at the left of the browser window, you'll notice that we've added two new sections to the site. We now have an online web-based forum, and individual mailing lists. You can share your ideas and comments with others or ask specific questions there. Subscribe to the parsec-announce mailing lists if you want to keep getting updated about new releases of Parsec.
The Parsec LAN-Test deluxe version for Win32 has arrived! You can now duke it out in cross-platform gameplay on three different platforms. As with the previous MacOS and Linux releases, this is the full audio release, with more than 50 minutes of background music in high quality. Be sure to check the README before downloading the package (please try a mirror server first, to ease the load on our server).
The normal versions (lower audio quality) will follow soon. Have fun!
We've just released the Parsec LAN-Test deluxe version for MacOS and Linux. This is the full audio release, with more than 50 minutes of background music in high quality. Be sure to check the README before downloading the package (please try a mirror server first, to ease the load on our server).
The Windows version and the normal versions (lower audio quality) will follow soon. Enjoy!
If you want to support the Parsec project, you should go here, and buy some merchandising products. We get $2.00 from each item you buy, but more important is that you'll impress all the girls with an original Parsec t-shirt, or make your co-workers drool over your stylish Parsec coffee mug. And, yes, we even offer mousepads!
Go get some. :)
We will make the Parsec LAN-Test available for download in the next couple of days. Stay tuned!
In the meantime you can download two tracks from the soundtrack of this upcoming release in mp3 format.
The screenshot of the month of September shows a Bluespire frantically chasing a Hurricane through a mine field.
The first public release of a playable Parsec version is coming up. It will be called "Parsec LAN-Test" and allow up to four players to play on a LAN. It will be ready for release in 4-6 weeks and the Linux version will also be included on the European version of Red Hat Linux 7. The Parsec LAN-Test for Red Hat 7 contains more than 50 minutes of music by Stefan Poiss.
We have added two new laser types, improving upon the standard laser. They have to be collected in the form of laser-upgrade power-ups.The screenshot for the Month of August shows the most powerful laser now available.
If you're a German speaker, you might want to check out the Parsec Infoterminal, created by Simon Moon from the Gamers Online Meeting Point.
The swarm missiles are the latest addition to Parsec's weapon set. Unfortunately the screenshot for the Month of July only partially captures the astounding look of this weapon, so one has to see it in action to believe it.
Check out some pictures of last month's LinuxTag event. We had a great time there, presenting Parsec and talking with lots of nice people. We even got a thumbs-up from Alan Cox, one of the most important Linux Kernel developers. He seemed to enjoy it.
Almost the entire Parsec team will be at the LinuxTag 2000, Europe's biggest Linux expo taking place from June 29 to July 2 in Stuttgart, Germany. If you plan on attending this event be sure to drop by and check out the Parsec network game session! Of course, we will also be happy to chat with you :)
This month's screenshot shows a Bluespire shooting with a photon cannon. This is an extremely deadly weapon, and takes a lot of practice to master.
We'll be available for questions during ATFW's fifth multi-developer space-sim chat on June 10, 2000, 1PM Eastern. Please see their chat info page for further details, and be sure to join in if you have any questions!
The Monthshot of May shows a Hurricane in the process of becoming invisible. The corresponding invisibility power-up is one of several new devices and game play elements we are currently working on.
The downloads page now offers a (rendered) Parsec wallpaper in 1024x768 resolution. No, this is not a screenshot! :)
We would like to apologize for the utter lack of updates in the past two months. Since we are doing this in our spare time, we got sidetracked by several real-life matters that just kept popping up... :) We are now back working in full gear and will have a few announcements for you in the next couple of weeks. If you are eagerly anticipating the release of Parsec or one of the intermediate releases, please bear with us; it takes time, but we will finish this baby and are very much looking forward to it!
The soundtrack of the Parsec self-running demo is now available in MP3 format from the downloads page. For your downloading and listening convenience we have posted the three parts separately.
The Monthshot of March shows a Stingray being chased in a network dogfight.
And Linux makes three. Go grab the Linux version of the self-running demo from the downloads page. Please take the time to check the README before starting the download. Enjoy!
We have just released the self-running demo for Win32 and MacOS! The Linux version should be available tomorrow. It's been a lot of work and we hope you'll enjoy it! Head on over to the downloads page to fetch it from the server nearest to you. Please read the README before you download, and use a mirror server if possible. Have fun!
Apr 1998 - Feb 2000
Check out older news items.


This section reminisces of major Parsec-related events of the past. We will also post information about upcoming events here.

Markus presents the talk ''Parsec: Linux and Cross-Platform Game Development'' at the 3. Braunschweiger Linux-Tage in Braunschweig, Germany. The slides of this talk are available for download. The talk has also been recorded and is available in Realmedia format (part1, 12:25), (part2, 49:36).
The August issue of the German macmagazin contains a four-page article on the Parsec project.
We took the opportunity to present Parsec on LinuxTag 2000, because last year's event was such a lot of fun. Check out some photos showing our booth, were people had the opportunity of playing the game themselves.
From June 26-27 we were at the LinuxTag'99 in Kaiserslautern, Germany, to present the Linux-version of Parsec at the "Linux Games" booth. (photos 1, 2, 3, 4)
The Australian PC GAMER is running a ten-page feature article on the Parsec project in the May issue.
Markus presents the talk
"Developing for Multiple High-Performance Graphics APIs Simultaneously: A Case Study". (photo)
Andreas presents the talk
"PARSEC: Building the Networking Architecture for a Distributed Virtual Universe". (photo)
Markus presents the talk
"PARSEC: Enhancing Realism of Real-Time Graphics Through Multiple Layer Rendering and Particle Systems".

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